Originally Posted by asaris
I take issue with the suggestion CSflim makes, that faith is antithetical to reason. Faith is not rational, I'll give you that, but that doesn't mean that faith is opposed to reason either. Rather, reason points out its own limits, and shows that faith (and not just religious faith) is necessary.
Faith is, one might think, a rational response to an irrational revelation.
We cannot, I think, rationalize the particular valididty of anything as an object of faith, we can, at least partially, rationalize the need for faith.
When speaking of faith it is, as others have mentioned, important to keep seperate the social church from individual faith. (in God or something likewise) By that I only mean that the failure of the institutional church to better the lot of mankind is not a failure of faith per se, but a failure of men to overcome greed and desire for power.
Much as communist russia didn't disprove communism per se, it disproved a tyrannical 'dictatorship of the proletariat' -- for all anyone knows communism may still be the way.