We're early 20's, so it's not like back in highschool days where parents call parents to rat you out...
Dad said something along the lines of "I can understand the mix-up, and I hope that is what it was, because if you think pulling something like that is funny young man, I've got news for you. I don't want to know what you kids are doing these days, I really dont want to think about.... what those panties are for, god knows back in my day we kept things simple. Now I suggest we forget this happened, and not speak of it for a long long time. And apologize to her mother, you hear me?"
I managed not to crack a smile, mostly because I didnt know if he was going to try to shoot me or something, but I did apologize. *shakes head.... Good times eh? I'm sure this is the kind of story that will come up years from now, when everyone's had a little to much to drink... And it will most likely be her dad who brings it up.... "Hey, you remember that time _____ opened her christmass presant from _____ and it was a pair of vibrating panties?"
Btw, in case you were wondering, the panties work great. GF was downstairs in the house and I was upstairs with the remote, still worked. It's funny to catch em off guard... ;-)