A Challenge
Yesterday a guy that I have known for years came to my work and asked if he could do any work at all to earn some money. Now I know this guy, and he is honest, and he tries to work hard and take care of himself. He is a little hard of hearing, and a litttle slow. He tries very hard though. Anyway, he has had some hard times, and right now, he has a 10 month old baby, a 2 year old girl, and a 6 year old boy. The work for him has been slow, and he is planning on going to texas where he has a job waiting for him. Right now, he is staying in a sleazebag,one room hotel room with one bed. He is having a hard time paying the rent, and buying food. Every morning he goes to the temp work place but latley they have not put him out. I went and got some blankets and a few toys, and my neighbor gave me 30 dollars worth of food cards at a local grocery store. I am going to take this stuff to him this morning. Hopefully, I can find a little more to take him.
Anyway, I was thinking, how many more people are there like this across the country? A lot of people are really trying, and can't seem to make it. I thought maybe if everyone on here did there own little thing, maybe together we could make a difference.
The challenge is this:
Go out of your way today to find someone less fortunate than you, and give them a hand.
And as she plays,
her sweet song of laughter
floats through the air
and warms my heart