Originally Posted by Psycho Dad
Most of the post 9/11 security measures are simply knee jerk reactions that do little if any good. I doubt that the next Al-Qaeda master plan is going to be launched by a buxom woman with WMD between her funbags. It is past time to abandon these measures that were put in place to simply make people feel safer instead of actually making them safer.
Yeah, but it's not a WMD. Or have we so soon forgotten that the planes weren't hijacked with guns? That they weren't hijacked with grenades, or plastic explosives? That they were hijacked and subsequently used as weapons THEMSELVES with little more than pens and a bunch of very dedicated people.
As for the comment that terrorist attacks won't be "...launched by a buxom woman..." Why not? That is an unnecessarily sexist and dated view of people. To assume that only men are capable of commiting murder, that only MEN would want to do something to harm the United States is ridiculous. Or did you not notice that most countries have women in their armies, or that frequently women are used in "insurgent" fighting to distract soldiers that don't think women will fight?
Or, assuming that you're right. Women don't want to hurt anyone. They aren't capable of murder. Who's to say that they can't be bought off or forced to carry something on to a plane for a man to kill someone with?
Just for the record, like I said in my original post, I believe most security measures taken post 9/11 are bullshit. The USA Patriot Act is absurd. Example: Thanks to the Patriot Act, I cannot open a savings account in a bank where I ALREADY HAVE a checking account WITHOUT MY PASSPORT (I had my state drivers license). But I digress.
I don't think airport security is very good. I think it has an awful lot more problems than most people care to admit. But this is just adding to the lot. It's a foolish act designed to make a few self-conscious women feel more comfortable with flying that could put many lives at risk.