Who Am I?
I am 21, a young'un, merely started my walk through life. My faith has been with me the whole way however.
At the age of 4, my father was diagnosed with acute lymphosetic leukemeia. By 11 he had passed away. By that time I had been baptised, (age of 8). While everyone else was sad and mourning I felt nothing. My sister went hysterical, but I just remained calm. As I look back, I don't know if it was because of my faith and knowing that he was in a better place where he couldn't be in anymore pain or if it was because I felt empty, not feeling anything towards him or God.
I was raised in a rural community with exceptionally conservative parents. After we moved, and began to try to fit in to our new community and I met new friends. I immediatly noticed a difference. They talked back to their parents, did what they wanted (within reason, we were only 11).
I felt like if they were allowed to do it, I should be able to. So I began to develop my own mind and started to talk back to my mother, did what I wanted and such. It drove her crazy, we'd have huge fights all the time. This continued until around my junior or senior year in high school. I guess it was then when I had my "revelation".
I decided I wanted to know more about our faith and religion. I looked at the Bible and began to read it and attempt to interpret it. I began to have the mindset of does this make sense, is it possible, why do people not believe, and questions of that nature. I began to question even the existense of a superior being.
With my research I have developed a relationship with God and his son than I ever could have imagined. Through this new found relationship I have developed a new outlook on life.
I used to worry all the time and now I realize that me being concerned about things that are out of my control I need not worry about. A good example of this is my mother worrying about me being out at 2-3-4 o'clock in the morning. Worrying doesn't do anything except stress you out. I have learned to put everything in God's hand's. I figure he can control everything, after all he did create the earth. If something happens, it is for a purpose. I do have a pretty open mind on everything and I always weigh things up against the Bible. I feel as though that's the one true source that we have been given and thus is the only thing we can rely on. It is perfect cover to cover.
I do have friends who disagree with this, but since it is the sole thing to rely to for our faith, I have the utmost confidance and belief that it is the inspired word of God.
My beliefs are very close to the Primitive Baptists, so that is the church I continue to attend. I am sorry to hear about some people who refuse to believe, as well as I am sorry to hear about those that are lead blindly. As for salvation, as most I believe in Salvation through faith alone. If you believe in Christ as your savior and God in your heart. (It requires more than just saying it. You must believe it) Then my friends you are heaven bound.
Thank you for your time and for reading my little rant.
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