Originally Posted by smooth
And if my attitude results in me being blown to bits, at least I will have lived all the other days of my life without being manhandled by representatives of the state.
When you buy a plane ticket, you are agreeing to be subjected to whatever regulations the
private company that sold you the ticket has put in place. There is no manhandling going on in the majority of cases, and in the rare case that it does happen, it's not by representatives of the state, it's by employees of a private company that owns the plane you're going to be in for your flight.
Complaining about private companies screening people in whatever way they see fit is like complaining that your friend makes you wear a seatbelt and doesn't let you eat in his car. If the airlines, airports, and all property of the airlines and airports were owned by the government (*shudder,) then you would have a right to complain. If you don't want to get patted down, I suggest you take a train.
Beyond the complaining and talk of rights, I don't see what the big deal is about touching someone's breasts in a businesslike, non-sexual manner. When I go somewhere that requires security screenings, I'm not offended when someone touches my balls, I just stand there and don't whine because someone touched my crotch to make sure I don't have a bomb in my pants. There's plenty of room to fit just about anything in my pants, and if someone wants to make sure that I'm not bringing in something that they told me not to bring, it's their right to check. If a security person acts in an unprofessional or inappropriate manner, I will inform the supervisor and consider taking my business elsewhere.