Due to incidents beyond my control the list was delayed, but is now here for your viewing and posting pleasure. I won't be checking back in until early next week. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
1. Who said "It is better to remain silent and be considered a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt"?
2. What professional sports player was aquired by a team in Cincinatti on the 21st of December?
3. What device is quickly taking the place of brooms and dusters?
4. What device will vaccum your floors automatically?
5. The oldest person to ever hold the presidency
6. World's Largest Snowman
7. Priest Holmes running in uniform cross a chessboard
8. A pelican with a fish in mouth
Head over to Nonsense to sign up for the newest round Of the Trivial Racing Image Game. Hurry.