You are working in the industry now, at your fingertips are a wealth of people who, I am sure, would be happy to spend 20 -30 minutes with you, and could tell you how they got their start and what their career path was.
Schedule an appointment with your boss. (Why doesn't he know your name? Doeshe have thatmany people reporting to him, or did you just not make yourself stand out? Set a specific time limit on it, tell him that the reason for the appointment is that your internship is ending, and you'd like to discuss the future. Mention that it's been a great learning experience, and you'd like to continue. If that's not possible, then you'd like to pick his brain on how he ended up where he did, and how to get your foot in the door somewhere.
Getting a job is sometimes about who you know, and about connections. It's also about networking, you are in the perfect place for that.
What you are experiencing is normal, most everyone goes thru it, don't worry so much about it. Searching for a job is a job itself, and you have to work to get one.
What about the alumni office in your school, do they have any suggestions for you?
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.