outdoor, I took your explanation to mean the engine isn't even cranking, just clicking. Is that right? That won't be a fuel supply problem. Usually points to a power supply problem or bad starter solenoid.
Start with the simple.
You said the battery & cables are good, but did you check that the cables are tight? It doesn't take much to cause a problem. If you can rotate them by hand they should be tightened. This is extremely common.
Look for a starter relay in the fuse panel or power distriibution block. Swap with another of the same type to see if it helps. Relays can fail such that their contacts won't pass enough current until they warm ever so slightly. Using them a few times creates resistance in the curcuit and the warmth improves the contact. But it'll get progressively worse.
Check the battery ground cable where it connects to the engine, and the ground strap from the engine to chassis. These can become loose or corroded and starting is the first victim due to its high current requirements.
Next I'd check the starter solenoid. Try tapping firmly on the outside of the solenoid with a hammer or large wrench & then try starting again. Sometimes you can buy & replace just a solenoid, other times you need to buy a complete starter/solenoid replacement. I don't know that car.
Good luck.