Figured I'd try to give a little, rather than just leeching bandwith, so here's two recent poems:
The Conversation
Drama is your drug of choice
Thinking is mine
I remember our conversation
My mind drifting
Tracing shapes
Painting a chapel on your ceiling
With one ear open
Nodding at the appropriate time
History crumbles before me
And there’s nothing I can do
Trying to hold on is like
Trying to carry a river home in a bucket
The end of the world is not in a book
But in my walk through
the heat
that surrounds me
Sirens split
the air
Flaming sheets
whip themselves
Like comets falling
from an orangey sky
The burned out shell of a store
Glass on the pavement
under my shoe
A grinning stuffed clown
Lying sideways,
Price tag still affixed
Acidic smoke rises
Around the block
A group
of black school kids sit
in a corner
Zip-tied behind them
Their eyes
Their faces
hang like wallpaper