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Old 12-22-2004, 11:20 PM   #16 (permalink)
Location: San Diego
Originally Posted by Glava
I have no idea about last generation, but my grandfather has an '87 Camaro. The engine compartment is designed to fit a 5.7L V-8, but he has a 2.8L V-6, so the amount of room left is ridiculously large.

that brings up a good point, on the LT1 4th gen camaros, in car maintance sucks ass, for just about every job. ever remove an exhast manifold to replace the sparkplugs? buy an LT1 camaro and you will. not to mention the brilliant idea of the sealed optical spark ditributor under the waterpump weephole. waterpump goes bad, coolant gets into the distabutor, rusts and corrodes the optical disk and now your engne timing is junk. not a cheap part to replace, or an easy part to get to in them.

for what its worth however the 6speed cars can do high twenties to low thirties on the highway due to a rediculous overdrive overdrive of 1:0.51 in 6th gear. reality is that stock for stock a ls1 camaro will eat a stock twin turbo supera on the street.
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