Originally Posted by Locobot
This is actually one area where the U.S. is more liberal than most of the world with our " Americans with Disablilties Act." It's actually the greatest achievement of GHWBush's presidency, even though it had to be piggybacked on vital legislation to pass veto.
It's not perfect though and has been abused by some unscrupulous lawyers. It also wouldn't apply in this case because the church is private property. I can understand why some European countries haven't adopted similiar measures because of their ancient cities, but surely Australia could do something like this.
The story comes from Ireland, my home country and the place I lived for all my life until four years ago. Ireland is traditionally considered a very devout Catholic country; another reason this grates for me and many others (the parishoners who complained or actually walked out in protest for example).
Ireland does have quite progressive anti-discriminatory laws in fact. If people wanted to, they could prosecute this priest. But what does that achieve?
It's opinions we need to change, not actions based upon fear of litigation.
Mr Mephisto