Originally Posted by biljan
I haven't decided what I will get, actually I'm having a hard time thinking of something fair, yet what I feel I deserve.
based on how things are these days, (and depending on your salary....but again, the way I've seen things go is the more you make, the bigger your bonus is)....I would spend no less than $1,000 on yourself!
But what you and the boss need to keep in mind, is that anything you purchase for yourself is imputable, and should be added to your W2 and taxed accordingly. If you have a nice boss, he'll gross it up and pay the taxes on your behalf.
Until the 20th century, reality was everything humans could touch, smell, see, and hear. Since the initial publication of the charted electromagnetic spectrum, humans have learned that what they can touch, smell, see, and hear is less than one millionth of reality