Originally Posted by asshopo
What franzelneekburm said. Only you can also use MySQL, which is free and does it's job well. It's not as full featured as other database servers, but you can find TONS more info on MySQL vs PosgtreSQL (my opinion, not fact).
You know, I don't want to start any flame wars here, but I have a really hard time recommending MySQL to people new to databases. There are just so many basic features, which I would consider to be part of good database design, that it doesn't provide.
I use it for some projects, and I like it, but sometimes the things it does to my data just really scare me (this is part of their 'Best Effort' philosophy, I guess it's a subjective call).
As far as documentation goes, I agree that MySQL's is excellent while Postgres' is just very good; but for what a beginner needs both will do just fine.
Even better would be to use MSSQL or Oracle should you have access to either of them.
Not necessarily. Certainly Oracle has many advantages over the free alternatives, but usually they only come into the foreground only on massive (and I do mean
massive) projects.
I've found that for small to medium projects the extra administrative and development overhead that comes with Oracle is just not worth it. I have a couple of die-hard Oracle fans that came into our mostly Postgres environment, over two years there hasn't been a single "Well, in Oracle I could..." for which I couldn't show an equivalent (or better) solution in Postgres.
Rule of thumb: if your project will need live replication, then think about Oracle; if not, you are likely to just be wasting time and money.
I have no experience with MSSQL, so I can't comment there.