Don't worry about it. I once had a disturbing dream about helping my brother murder someone. I had no idea where that came from - I didn't have any pent up impulses as far as I could see. It probably had more to do with the spicy fried prawns with jalapenos I ate before going to bed and the movie I watched that night than anything else.
Your SO has the right attitude so laugh along with her. Get plenty of rest. Don't sleep within an hour of supper. Minimize your caffeine, alcohol and sweets - especially in the evening. Chew some valerian root. And don't sweat it - your anxiety about the issue probably keeps it coming.
...the absolute worst thing that might happen is that you might discover you actually like to fantasize about being a woman or cross-dressing or whatever. That wouldn't be the end of the world. Fetishes are normal. I'm wary of anyone who claims they have absolutely no fetishes whatsoever.