the american enterprise institute is presented in your post, stevo, as being non-partisan.
that is absurd: it is among the most powerful and well-funded of the network of rightwing thinktanks that are at the center of the conservative media machine. looking to them for accurate analysis of bushworld would be like reading trotsky for a neutral portrait of stalin. seriously, you have to be critical of sources.
as for your experience with historians: fine. my day job is as a historian. my view of them is different than yours. make of it what you will.
what i will say is that the "discovery" that history is political is better a first step than an excuse to dismiss: it can lead to a kind of facile nihilism (it is all just bullshit because objectivity is an illusion) or it can just as easily lead to a different, more critical type of reading. you seem to be stuck at the former: i would encourage you to explore the latter.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite