walk away. you don't need them. if any of them are pleasant people, they will welcome the chance to hang out with someone who doesn't get a ride out of others.
People are weak, and easily follow the status quo, it may be the case that the others in that group feel exactly the same way you do, but are following the lead of the rest of the group. if you have the strength to walk, others may follow and you could end up with some of the same friends, but less of the aggravation. you'd be doing yourself AND them a favour.
Then again, no-one might follow. In that case, you can spend time doing the things you actually enjoy in life, concentrate on your finals, maybe even go out with some different people.
I disagree with the statements about letting people walk over you means that they will. It's not that simple, it's about living by a code of morals, and deciding to keep that code of behaviour when no-one else around you does. It's a hard hard thing to do, but it pays off in the end - at the end of the day, everyone lives by their own rules and not yours, and being restrained and polite etc in any situation can be a real strength later in life, and shows real strength now. it's easy to let yourself go and act the tough guy. it's easy to stoop to the lowest level of being unpleasant to someone else. it's easy to be a bitch. what takes strength is saying no to all that when it's going on all around you. if someone else joined the group who was bulliable in some way, ask yourself, would you join in? or would you resist temptation and be nice to them?
So, do whatever you have to do, but remember, this is YOUR time, make the most of it, don't waste it on people who are too weak to make a go of it on thier own.