Originally Posted by ObieX
One of the things int he article i took notice of what the part about the 12 beheadings. We never hear about the beheadings and hostages it seems unless they're American, with maybe a sprinkle of brittish, and if lucky a coupel other european nations. Rarely do we hear about the ones from other countries working along side us. But then again this kind of thing isnt exactly uncommon. I just hate how no one ever wants to try to give us the whole picture. We may start to think things are going badly (lol).
You are 100% correct. I posted this in a beheading thread a while ago. Below is a list of all the beheadings and executions thus far, most not American.
Japanese, killed around 30th October
Kenneth Bigley, British, killied on 7 October
Jack Hensley, American, killed on 21 September
Eugene Armstrong, American, killed on 20 September
Nasser Juma, Egyptian, killed on 5 September
12 unnamed Nepalese hostages were killed on 31 August
Enzo Baldoni, Italian, killed on 26 August
Mohammed Mutawalli, Egyptian, killed on 10 August according to Islamist web site posting
Osman Alisan, Turkish, killed on 5 August according to Islamist web site posting
Murat Yuce, Turkish, killed on 2 August according to Islamist web site posting
Sajjad Naeem, Pakistani, killed on 28 July
Raja Azad Khan, Pakistani, killed on 28 July
Georgi Lazov, Bulgarian, killed on 13 July
Keith Matthew Maupin, American, killed on 28 June according to al-Jazeera television, but there is no official US conformation
Kim Sun-il, South Korean, killed in 22 June
Hussein Ali Alyan, Lebanese, killed on 12 June
Nick Berg, American, killed on 11 May
Fabrizio Quattrocchi, Italian, killed on 14 April
You see, you never hear these other executions mentioned because American media wants you to believe that American life is more valuable than other life. And unfortunately, most people believe that media.
I was reading the story at Yahoo, and here is their description:
"A guerrilla attack on a U.S. base in Iraq killed 15 American military personnel and seven other people....."
Notice how 15 American military were killed and, uh, seven other nobodies.