Well it wasen't always just a label. At one point it meant what I had listed above. I feel that I am a conservative. When I say to other people that I am a conservative, they take it to mean that I am a Bush supporter, which couldn't be father from the truth. I suppose it could all boil down to my being posessive of my own labels, but this term is widely misunderstood. If this term means one thing to one person, and another thing to another person, it's use in communication becomes confusing. There is no general concensus for the meaning. One mans conservative is another man's republican, or another man's libertatian, or another man's military officer, or another man's... When a word (label or otherwise) has many different meanings that are all used in the same arena - politics - the term loses meaning. Imagine it as a black hole of meanings that reaches critical mass and implodes. It has too much for people to understand, so it ceases to have substance.