Originally Posted by Lebell
No offense, but I've been through phys1&2 and am a trained scientist and I think maybe you missed my point.
First, energy isn't a property of matter like mass or velocity, Einstein clearly showed us that they ARE THE SAME THING, much as ice and steam are the same thing. Matter can certainly have different energetic states, but that doesn't detract from the original supposition.
Einstein showed us that Mass has energy simply by having Mass. Mass and energy are equivilant. In a sense, we are beings of pure energy. Since Mass is energy...
What I meant was that energy doesn't interact with energy. Matter interacts with other matter, during which things like energy and momentum exchange. I'm not sure what energy is, all by itself. What does it mean to have "some energy" just floating around? You can have photons, which have energy, but photons are particles. You can have electrons, which have kinetic/potential energy, and rest mass energy. But how can you just have "energy"?