Originally Posted by hulk
I'm a bit (well, a lot) of a cynical bastard when it comes to big-buget mainstream games that the current generation of fanboys proclaims mindlessly to be the best game ever (Halo 2, Half Life 2, Doom 3 etc) so I'm never surprised to find out that, when they do come out, they're not that great.
I'm starting to notice that fanboys aren't about praising a game that they enjoy anymore...it's about bashing good games instead. No longer is it Sega sux and Nintendo rox or Sony sux dix with Microsux. Now it's Halo 2, Half-Life 2, San Andreas, MGS 3, and every other game released this year are terrible games that are extremely disappointing. I'm starting to notice a major trend. Most of these fanboys will not accept that some games simply live up to their hype. Most of these fanboys will not accept that just because a game doesn't do everything that was promised doesn't mean it is a bad game. And it's really starting to annoy the shit outta me.