Back around 1988 or so, we were heading up the NJ turnpike to NYC in our little Plymouth Colt, when I happened to look to the right and see this red Ford pick-up with just 'Freehold, NJ' in small script on the door. I looked at the driver to see Bruce Springsteen at the wheel. I turned to my husband, pointed to the truck cruising next to us and when Bruce saw me point, he hit the gas and zoomed away.

Last year, waiting for my flight at the Knoxville airport, I saw this very goodlooking man with a little girl in a stroller. He had on a Yankee shirt and hat and dark glasses and was standing against the wall talking to a maintenance man. I thought he looked very familiar and could not take my eyes off him. Then I heard his voice. I have had the drools for this man for 20 years, since his movie "Independence Day' (NOT the Will Smith one) was out. He played the best friend of Richard Gere's character who kills himself in "An Officer and a Gentleman'. And NOW, he was on MY little plane to Cleveland!!!