Sat behind Liv Tyler on a flight from Newark to Chicago... at 6am, with no makeup, hair up in a clippy thing, she was still gorgeous... (hate her!

) She was so nice, even to the people who insisted on bothering her, though the woman she was with (I think her mother) was a high maintenance uber bitch)
Got stuck in an elevator with Meatloaf for about an hour - had no idea who it was until I got off the elevator, We chatted a bunch, and he was a really nice guy.
Rode an elevator with kate Jackson
Was on a flight with Dan Quayle and a bunch of his "staff", not sure it was security or just worker bees.
There was the "mystery Middle-eastern" a few years back.. I was on the metroliner back from DC to NY - in the middle ofa snowstorm. I had gotten an upgrade to first class and when i walked to the end of the car, I was stopped by a earphone wearing, pretty big ass gun toting person who stopped me from entering that portion of the car.
I settled in where I was, and asked the car attended who was back there, he said he wasn't at liberty to discuss, but it was someone I had definitely had heard of.
Was in a luncheonette in NYC, and at the next table, was Ann Curry, of the Today Show on NBC.