My earliest memory is one of getting injured. The injury itself isn't so weird, but it's unique because I was two years old at the time (that's right, two) and remember everything quite vividly. I got my head split open for being terrified of "The Outer Limits."
Our family was watching TV in our family den, and my two-year old perception of "The Outer Limits" episode we were watching was that the night's featured hideous creature had the ability to crawl through the TV screen and into people's homes. That was enough for me, and I tried to run into our kitchen.
We had one of those restaurant-style swinging kitchen doors and my 12-year old big sister came out of the kitchen at the same instant I tried to go in. Since she couldn't see me coming and she outweighed me by ten years, she easily won the battle of the swinging kitchen door.
Although I was running forward, the back of my head was the first thing to hit the floor (never a good sign). I remember screaming and I remember being lifted by my father and loaded into the car, still screaming. I remember being carried into the doctor's home (1962 was a looong time ago) and being put into the reclining chair in his den.
He sewed up the back of my head (eight stitches) from that chair, and I screamed the whole time.
Living is easy with eyes closed.