I dispise the office Christmas party.
And it's even worse for me. For me to go to the Christmas party basically amounts to a $200 bill. By the time I pay for a babysitter, gas to the party (I live an hour from work), drinks (No free booze here, last time I went was $6.50 a drink!!!), and a hotel room for the night (since they wont pay my cabfare, so the choice is to not drink and lose my fucking mind dealing with the drunk assholes, or get a room).
Considering the cheapass excuse for a meal & entertainment here runs about $4 a person, I kindly tell my boss to fuck off & put the $4 as a bonus on my pay.
Seriously, a $200 expense to see the people I see 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, so I can pay 3x the price for booze and get a meal which would be unacceptable served from McDonalds? Fuck that.
Hell, a couple of years ago da boss dude sent out an email - basically "What would you like the party to be" - so a bunch of us rebelled and said we wanted to DO something - dinner theatre, golf, movie, fucking bowling, SOMETHING other than sit on our ass eating a shitty meal for 4 hours. So he took all of our suggestions (and were a small office, like ALL of us put in a "lets do SOMETHING" request) - and fucking said to hell with it & booked us a shitty greek dinner at a shitty greek restaurant who served shitty undercooked lamb (no choice) and charged $8.50 for drinks. Fucking cunt. So I didn't go - and neither did 1/2 the office - Monday morning, we were greeted with emails that went to the entire fucking organization telling the 50% of us who didn't show that we were cunts for not coming. Picture 12 angry people, in the middle of our annual fiunancials audit, telling him to go fuck himself, and if he didn't like it he could do the fucking accounting himself.
An aplogy was quickly issued.
Yes I still work there. Pitty me.