in toronto there was a lady who was dubbed "the shakey lady", she hung out downtown and panhandled..etc she dressed like she was homeless and even had a pretend shake. anyway someone followed her home and she lived in a 1000$ a month apartment or something. she was making some good coin doing her little routine. the local news did a special on her.
bullshit stuff, hope karma comes back in force. I will give change if i have it, but only to people who look like they need it, i hate when some dude wants money "for a coffee" if you just tell me its for booze i'd give them more!
on a side note, once after a long long day of work, i was waiting for the bus and there was 4 teenagers begging for money, wearing tommy hilfiger clothes, nike shoes..etc. was gross, they were from the burbs doing it to be cool or whatever.