I don't go unless there's drinks, otherwise it's just a gathering of people who crack the stupidest jokes and talk about the most boring crap.
Seriously... you know how the atmosphere is. Everyone starts laughing as if Chris Rock is doing some stand up routine, but you find out that it's some lame joke that REALLY isn't funny at all. I mean, not even the slightest. No matter what context the joke is told in... it's impossible for it to be remotely hilarious - yet people laugh.
My two friends and I are the programmers of the company, so we can pretty much do whatever... whenever there's a party, we're the ones to get trashed. Usually us and the boss, however, this year there won't be drinks.
It's normally at the boss' house, but this year it's actually at the office. That and no drinks = no show. Booooring. Instead I'll shampoo my carpet at home - it really needs to be done.
We were a small company of probably 10-15 people, and we've all known each other for 7+ years. Now the company is growing and more than half of the people here are new now. I don't know them. Quite a few seem very uptight... as a result, I choose not to participate in the holiday events like thanksgiving/christmas (secret santa, especially). It's no longer fun like it used to be.
Also, if you're working at a place where it's "career suicide" to not attend such a thing, then you should probably start lookin for another job. Chances are this one isn't making you too happy. The whole point of you working is to get a job done so you can get paid, not to socialize with a bunch of kiss asses.. although, I've never ever heard of anyone getting fired because they didn't attend a christmas party... I don't even think that's legal.
I love lamp.
Last edited by Stompy; 12-20-2004 at 09:29 AM..