true true
i just love these irons. same with my putter haven't changed that in three seasons since i got as a present. absolutely love it.
same for my fairway woods, i got them when i was 14 (10 years ago) and even then they were second hand...but i just really like them. i change the grips every season of course.
now drivers...that is another thing altogether! oh and wedges, i've had a few wedges in my time.
i think you just have to be happy with your clubs, confidence is everything, once that doubt starts to creep in there is no going back!
my dad had the same set, in fact it was a half set, for about 20 years. then i persuded him to get a full set. he did and he dropped 5 strokes off his handicap just by having a full set! but now he is addicted to changing clubs! ooops...although it at least makes buying him christmas presents easy, this year it's a 2-ball putter...
change happens when those who don't normally speak get heard by those who don't normally listen.