Thread: Thou Shalt Kill
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Old 12-20-2004, 01:51 AM   #14 (permalink)
Rail Baron
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Location: Tallyfla
pedrop, there are sickos everywhere, but he is one person, not representative of the US military. You don't like it when liberals are all grouped together based on one liberal's remarks or actions but you seem to have no problem using this guy as a poster boy for the US army. Your article has nothing to do with the post at hand. If you want, go ahead and start a new thread.

Originally Posted by shakran
You're right. He went right after afghanistan / Al Qaeda. Then he quickly ignored them in favor of going after a country that didn't have anything whatsoever to do with the terrorists that attacked us.

Hey, maybe he's not such an idiot after all. Maybe he just has ADD
The reason iraq has to do with the global war on terror is because the spreading liberal democracy through out the middle east and the rest of the world is what is going to beat the terrorists.

Originally Posted by Charlatan
Bush and company would say, "the only way to win is to kill the terrorist" while others would argue that education and diplomacy are much better ways of achieving those goals.

Unfortunately, those methods are too slow for many who like their results to be quickly achieved so they can go onto the next "big thing". It is further exacerbated by the fact that the US, in many ways (mostly subversive) is the kettle calling the pot black. For America to go abroad preaching peace, while waving guns and economic red flags is tough for many to swallow (it kinda gets their backs up).
Sometimes the only way to deal with a regime is to use your military. Other times, in other countries, diplomacy is the way to go. With iraq, obviously diplomacy didn't work. 12 years of saddam shirking UN resolutions and the massive amounts of corruption and bribery of the oil-for-food program got us no where. The war in iraq works toward the achievement of short run goals (kill the terrorists), as well as long run goals (spread freedom and democracy). The war in iraq is not a diversion, it is part of a much bigger picture, one that many self-proclaimed 'open-minders' can't even see.
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