A very good friend of mine lives alone in an apartment. The other morning, she said she was more scared than she'd ever been in her life. She said she woke up at 7:00 am to the sound of someone panting really loud, and FELT someone laying beside her. Actually, felt the pressure against the outside of her calf. She said there was definitely an angry air about the room, and she couldn't open her eyes...so she just laid there until she couldn't hear it or feel it anymore. The very next night, she said she woke up coughing and sputtering like someone was trying to choke her.
I definitely believe it could be a spirit and told her she should check with her apartment manager and see if someone died there. She's been there almost a year, and I think it's possible that it could be about the time he/she died. She said she really doesn't want to know if someone died there, and if it continues she will just move.
It's all very bizarre, but very interesting too.