Originally Posted by Manx
So we can't take stabs at someone (the Prez.) we don't even personally know, but you're allowed to praise the same person (the Prez.) you don't even personally know?
How does that work?
OH you could say what you want, thats your right. Me personally I'm not going to spend my time and life trying to put down and make fun of others only because I don't agree with them. There's a difference in defending what you believe in and attacking those who don't believe the same as you. I mean read the few post above us Manx, look how many people (mostly on the left in this thread) start immediately with a snide comment meant to demean either our President or the right.
Doesn't it strike you odd that they start that way? Even after people saying that TIME releases this based on whoever changes the world the most that year. I think a majority of us could agree that Osama is probably bad, and didn't he get on the cover? I bring that point up because some of the reponses on this thread is written by people with complete emotional hate just because of one simple event.
Heh I can't believe in the year 2000 how I too wanted to leave the united states because George Bush won, how I hated our massive alliance with Israel, and how I thought the world was going to end. I remember well blaming Bush in his early years on all our trouble with the economy and with the 9/11 issue. Then I realize I didn't have all the answer, that I was stupid myself. I was cutting down anothers point of view with one I thought was superior when I didn't even have all the answers. I realize then that if I had a healthy discussion and got both sides of the fact, I could come to my own personal realization of the matter and be comfortable with myself. Through personal research and casting emotional feeling aside I've come to realize that "Hey that George Bush guy isn't so bad". This is from a HUGE Clinton fan. I absolutely adored Bill Clinton, and now I'm a George Bush fan.
I really wish those who were nuetral would come out and talk. I wanted at first to show that I was open minded to both sides, but I guess some people may assume I'm too right now. Really do I want someone neutral to come and take a active study and compare the debate style of those on this forum who are left and who are right.
I would put a lot of money on the fact that left debate style would be more Insulting and abusive then the Right.