I stated clearly that I think it is dynamic. I don't think it can be augmented because it does not become greater or large. It exists and changes, you can't write a mathmatical principle and assign it to an ego. It is not linear in the sense you can throw it on a line graph and calculate what is happening at each event of your life.
What you posted are interpretations of how you may be affected by cirumstances and more so, how you would expect people to feel and react to situations. The only thing you can be certain of is that for every event their is a reaction, not that it can be postive or negitive.
We are also speaking of the ego as a false sense, an artificial sense of self-worth. You can not study someone and procliam, that man has an Ego. It is not that same as to proclaim that that man has a right arm. I am argueing that labeling someone as having an Ego is not concrete, it is your own personalized interpretation of a person.
I can only speak for myself but self-esteem is a byproduct of how I live. Its not required, its produced. What feels good to me is knowing what I want and working towards it, taking it, getting it, possesing it. In my own eyes I am not egotistical, I am merely here, existing. I have no guilt or remorse making judgements of myself and of others, they are my own decisions and I can formulate and express them when I choose. I simply acknowledge that they are mine and part of my existence.