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Old 12-19-2004, 04:37 PM   #1 (permalink)
pedro padilla
social insecurity

It surprises me a bit that yáll haven´t really touched on how really fucked up the US economy is. Seriously, seems like the topic nobody wants to touch. El Presidente just held a 2 day economic summit which was way more entertaining fantasy than lord of the rings.
Those great tax cuts are going to be permanent! YYYYeeeeeehhhaaaaaaaa!
Ride em cowpokes. Social security? YYYeeehaaaaaaaa! Everything you´ve paid up to now is a write off. GW is rarin to go. 2 trillion bucks(!) over the next 10 years. From where? Borrow it of course. Never mind the 8 trillion already owed. Your kids will cover that. We´re getting into grandchild debt at this point.
Can anyone really make a case for Bush´s sleight of hand 3 card monte economic disaster policy? I find it very interesting that nobody has noticed that the ship is flooded and sinking fast. Or at least, interesting that nobody seems to give a fuck. I am convinced that the general public have so little understanding of the economy that they´re toing to be very rudely awakened shortly. Buy gold.
signs o the times:An elderly woman is in custody after she used her walker to try and rob a Pocatello bank.

It happened earlier this week at the Community Citizens Bank off Flandro Drive.

While bank employees take threats like this seriously, they think this attempted robbery wasn’t about money but about finding relief from her burdens.

She pulled up to the bank parking lot around 2:30 p.m. Wednesday and headed to the front door, walker in hand.

Kristie Olsen, security officer, says, “It took her several minutes to get from the door to the desk.”

After walking through the doors, the elderly woman walked up to a bank employee.

Calynn Hanpsten, senior service representative, says, “She said, ‘I’m telling you I’m going to rob the bank. You have to call the police,’ and she turned around and sat on her little walker. She started crying. She just burst into tears after she said, ‘You have to call the police.’”

Tammie Barbre, customer service supervisor, says, “I was kind of dumbfounded. I wasn’t, ah…you could feel her desperation.”

The woman later told police she was poor because of several recent medical bills.

The non-emergency phone call went something like this, “We do not feel threatened but this is the situation. She is insisting that we call.” And the dispatch asked her, “What?”

Apparently the woman felt she had had enough and believed she had nowhere else to turn.
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