Blue Öyster Cult!
Yes BÖC is by far the best band of this or any other time, and, for that reason, they are my favorite. Not only are their lyrics redolent with a degree of strangeness unparallelled outside a Thomas Pynchon novel and yet accessible to even the most feebleminded teenager, not only is Buck Dharma's axe work a thing of trancendent beauty and mind boggling skill, but an deep, heartfelt, yea! soul-felt appreciation of the Music of Blue Öyster Cult is the veritable <i>sine non qua</i> of abiding coolness.
As I said in a previous thread....
<i>Originally posted by Tophat665</i>
<i>Originally posted by Halx</i>
I guess I'm not cool
<i>Originally posted by Ace_O_Spades</i>
guess i'll never be cool around here, that sucks
Fear not, you are both one dip in the P2P pool or schlepp down to the used CD store away from a degree of coolness only acheived by the true cognoscenti of hipness. Your watchwords are three: Blue, Öyster, and Cult. Get a copy of Fire of Unknown Origin or better yet Secret Treaties, and you will be on your way to a height of coolness you have never before believed you could attain. Why, since I started listening to Blue Öyster Cult (incidentally, the umlaut is what makes them the coolest. We can go into why it doesn't do the same for Mötley Crüe some other time), I am so hip that I sometimes have trouble seeing over my pelvis and so cool I have to drink my oxygen. I no longer need Lite Beer to attract hot women who want to have sex with me.
(It's all in the mind.)
Just remember my salient points:
1) Blue Öyster Cult is Cool
2) Listening to them will make you cool
3) Umlauts are also cool, but not for Mötley Crüe...
<small>Actually, it's the Umlauts that make me the hottest.</small>