Now, if you had read what I wrote and responded to what I wrote you would see that I was talking about the two "theories" working together hand in hand
This subject has been debated by philosophers for thousands of years, Faith vs Reason and using reason to justify faith. Today, Evolution vs Creationism is just another embodiment of that argument. The simple fact is though, if you want your children to learn science in a science classroom teach them evolution. Send your kids to Sunday school, a mosque, or your local madrasa if you want them to the wonderful joys of creation "science."
I said above:
creationism is not something I'm against personally
I don't care if you believe in evolution or creation, but if you want to teach our kids what science IS NOT then bring on the bibles and let them know all about how god created man. While you're at it, have them read a little bit of Leviticus to know exactly what god wants from his people...his creation. Shit, take a poll "How many of you are uncircumsized?", tell the ones raising their hands that they are going to eternal damnation. Don't believe me...read it. It's called the Covenant with Abraham. Wait a sec, that's just the CHRISTIAN creation myth. Let us not forget creation myths of thousands upon thousands of other religions found in the entire world. Let us spend the year teaching them those myths...now hold on...the sign on the door no longer says science....