Originally Posted by skier
Alright. So the "white man" gave the natives a real hard time a hile ago. How long? over 50 years. In general, we've cleaned up our act since then.
I wish you were just trolling but the rest of your post reveals you actually have no concept of the systematized racism that is established in our country. Hell, we have the Saskatoon City Police implicated in driving native men outside of the city in harsh winter temperatures and leaving them to die, multiple cases within the last 5 years even, and the giant blue wall of silence backing them up. But as you say, that's all just a thing of the past.. no need to take any responsibility for it and attempt to build a unified society, better just to tell those dirty indians to shut up and be happy with the welfare cheque huh? Christ, you're really quite an ignorant little bastard.. as we can see with such gems as this:
Originally Posted by skier
Natives in hobbema are currently living in trailer homes with no jobs, drinking their lives away. (of course not all the natives are; but the majority is.)
You, "sir", are a racist. Stereotyping of an ethnic minority is a racist act. I find no need to continue this further as you will obviously not hear anything I have to say and meerly continue to believe you are right, as it serves your own sense of righteousness. Your language is polluted by a racist vein of thinking, and, to be frank, you obviously come from a privelledged class background and it has blinded you to the actual realities of every day life in this country. Wake the fuck up. Give the chance, I'ld spit in your face.
/don't care if this costs me my forum account, racist shit like this should not be tollerated, and I wouldn't want to be a part of a forum that allows it..