I don't know if I trust the people that say perfect pitch can be learned. I know you can develop relative pitch. I've never tried any of the things that supposedly teach you perfect pitch but they might work. I'm skeptical on it because it's basically something you're born with. The people I've met with perfect pitch don't necessarily like it because everytime they hear something even slightly out of tune they are bothered by it. It is hard to enjoy almost anything when you have perfect pitch because you can't simply ignore the fact that something is a bit (or a lot) off. My personal opinion is that relative pitch is actually better to have. It can be just as helpful with out the extreme annoyances of perfect pitch. Honestly though I still wish sometimes I had perfect pitch...like in my ear training class when I'm taking a test and I have no idea what's going on. I'd be interested to hear from someone who does have perfect pitch.