first off that's 10 USC 311 (just saying sec. 311 refers to a shitload of different laws).
Second off if you want to use that to help interpret the 2nd, it destroys the argument that the 2nd guarantees guns to everyone.
The initial clause of 10/311 does say that all able-bodied males (so no handicapped people can have guns) between 17 and 45 (so no middle aged or senior citizens can own guns) can own guns (btw it does not say any desiring females, it says any female thats a member of a national guard).
But section b further defines militias, subdividign them into organized militia and unorganized militia. Organized militia consists of the national guard and the naval militia. Unorganized consists of everyone else.
The 2nd says a well ORGANIZED militia, not an unorganized militia. So really the 2nd can be said to guarantee the national guard and the naval militia the right to bear arms. No one has ever argued that they do not have that right