Originally Posted by Medusa99
although he's only three and I don't think he fully realizes what "naked" is yet...or hasn't learned to be ashamed of it, that is
I hope my kids never feel "ashamed" of their bodies and nudity. I know you didn't mean in that way but it's the truth. My family was never "shy" when it came to nudity. I would see my sisters nude every once and a while and I was never ashamed of my penis because I knew what an average size was from my dad and brother changing near me after we swam in my pool. Seeing my sisters made me treat women's bodies with respect... I wouldn't want some horny teenager oggling my sister, so when I was going through highschool I didn't think about it to the extent of my friends.
I think I'm going to be very liberal about nudity in my household when I begin having kids but I mean there is a line. I'm not suggesting that you dance nude in front of your kids but don't teach them to "hide their shame". I'm sure you'll find a great balance between the two.