Look, it's both people's fault for this situation. Those that are acting like this woman is a saint are putting her on a pedistal. No, we dont know why she suddenly felt the need not to have sex. It's his fault for not bringing it up a week or two after it started. But it's her fault for putting herself above an obvious need of his partner.
Yes... putting herself above her partner. It's exactly what he did in return.
Is it a get out of jail free card? No.
Did it give him PLENTY of incentive to look outside the marriage? Yes.
For those that claim that sex isn't in the marriage vowes, "for love and to hold" or "to love and to cherish" are the two most common vowes. Hate to break it to you but those were thrown in as nice ways of saying "to have sex with". Not quite romantic, these christian vowes predate the romance period.
Blah blah communication, I know, but that's what makes relationships work.
I went 6 months in a relationship (girlfriend, so you know how long that is in non-marriage time) with her cutting me off. For 6 months I talked to her trying to figure it out, for 6 months I put up with it. I dumped her for that, and you know what? I felt great. So yes I feel for ya.