Originally Posted by mrklixx
I just remembered another one from '99 called "Brimstone".
Brimstone was great! I still miss it. John Glover, who plays the elder Luthor on Smallville, played Satan, and he was great: not just evil, but a monstrous and bitter prick with a smooth facade. The whole show was funny and downbeat at the same time, and very, very intelligent. The producer liked to call it "Touched by a Devil."
A new programming chief came in and cancelled a lot of stuff that had been put in by his predecessor. He cancelled Brimstone because the ratings weren't good enough, but nothing Fox put in the Friday night slot since has done better.
I should add that Fox seems to put a lot of quality shows on Friday night to die. Puts them out there with minimal advertisement and promotion, and they go away. John Doe and Firefly, mentioned earlier are two others. The only good Fox show to escape Friday night alive was the X Files. And _that_ had low ratings, too, but Fox was so desperate in those days they kept it on. They should show that kind of patience these days; they'd be rewarded.