Let me start off by saying that it is just a little silly to treat a nebulous and diverse group such as "the left" as one entity. Right off we veer into lala land where the millions of people that subscribe to the same "non-rightist" philosophy are all mass murder apologists.
This is an article first and foremost about the p.r. problems surrounding the group ascribed the ideals associated with lefthood. If you doubt that, just notice that in order to contrast the left from the right, the author must make a distinction between harmfull despots(castro) and benign despots(pinochet, "c'mon he's senile, let's pity him"), between small potatoes financial scandal(enron) and big-time scandal(un oil for food). The gist seems to be that there is nothing wrong with allying yourself with despots, nor supporting scandalous figures, the problem is when you support the wrong ones. The left, as far as inconsistent nebulous entities go, support the wrong evil people.
Let me be clear, i don't care about the "left" any more than i care about the "center" or the "right". As far as i'm concerned such terms are very vague descriptors employed by many a pundit seeking to engage in intellectual dishonesty.