I would say this could've been a typo, but based on your previous post, I am already aware of your thoughts on this subject.
All I was trying to get across was that Christianity might be true, but there's no way science could ever prove or disprove it. It wasn't a matter of my opinion. What's with the hostility?
You guys realize that "creationism" as a concept is not exclusive to Christianity, don't you? EVERY SINGLE RELIGION on this planet has the human race being created by a "God" or "gods". Geez, it is probably one of the oldest theories on this planet.
I just spent the whole last semester of college studying the evolution of the creation myth throughout western civilization. PM me if you truly want to argue. Besides, creationism is not something against personally, I just don't see it's place in a SCIENCE classroom. And no where else in the free world do you see the fallacy of Creation "Science" being taught in schools. Europe dismisses even the thought of it being taught as science.
Why must ID and evolution be at odds with each other?
Because in science there's something called empiricism and the scientific method, and for ID to be taught in a science classroom using neither foundation is, well....
Edit: Just changed some wordings