hehe at ustwo saying it's been delayed for a year, I've been waiting for Team Fortress 2 since they talked about the release in 2001
Imo the ending was good, it kinda sums up the reason for why you are there. Which was to be the cleanup boy for the G-Man, Who imo is someone from another race who has taken up the look of a human. Obviously a race far superior than the humans and the bad guys (sorry it's late at night and my minds kinda dead), a race who has mastered the teleportation, being the reason why the g man can appear any where.
I loved every bit of the game, the whole package was awesome, the graphics were OMG, the physics were even better, and the gameplay blew the socks of every other game out.
The only thing I didnt really like is the only thing it really had to do with Half Life and the Black Mesa incident was the fact that you were gordon, Dr Kliener (i think thats his name) and the other Dr (as i said earlier im tired), Barney (who was amazing in HL2 Compared to HL) and the headcrabs and zombies.
The introduction of the new headcrabs was a good idea, and running around Ravenholm I ended up running out of all my ammo, so trying to kill the fast zombies with the gravity gun and heaters brought out the geek sweat from inside me

Nova Prospekt was also great, the Antlions + the bug bait had me in tears and on the ground laughing, Throwing a bugbait around a corner and seeing the remains of the enemy on the ground had me in tears.
The only thing that annoyed me about the Squads in "Follow Freeman" was the fact that they followed you too much, the enemy AI was smart, but the Allied Rebels were so goddam annoying, half the time you'd get stuck because they were blocking your exit, atleast with the antlions you could kill them with a blast of the shotgun.
In my opinion this game has been the best game I've ever played, anyone that says it was shit or what not needs to have a look at what valve have done here. Who cares if it was a little late, I'd rather it be 2 years late than them using the quake 3 engine, because the game they delivered blew my socks off