Originally Posted by Fourtyrulz
Christianity being true might be one thing, we might never find out, but Christianity being fact is something no one will ever EVER be able to prove.
I would say this could've been a typo, but based on your previous post, I am already aware of your thoughts on this subject.
You guys realize that "creationism" as a concept is not exclusive to Christianity, don't you? EVERY SINGLE RELIGION on this planet has the human race being created by a "God" or "gods". Geez, it is probably one of the oldest theories on this planet.
You (the collective you) do realize that there are many, many comments on this thread that could be taken as intolerant. How can you criticize something as intolerant while being intolerant?
Also, you guys need to stop spouting that Evolution is the only "true" theory. Hell, even people within the evolution community can't agree on some aspects of it. There are still questions regarding evolution that are still unanswered and will mostly likely remain unanswered for a long, long time.
Also, I mentioned this before, but no one responded, so I repeat.
Why must ID and evolution be at odds with each other? I actually believe in both. I think that an evolutionary process was put in place, but that is was put in place by a creator.
Just as evolution isn't 100% factual as would like to be believed here, you can neither prove nor disprove my theory.
/time for me to change the channel