I strongly disagree with the thing about having no “Islamophobia” ...in the article it talks about germanophobic and such...the thing is we were curtailing a groups civil liberties....the japanese internment is a good example...we forced them to sell their stuff and move to crappy half built towns because we believed that they were "traitors" A lot of anti-asian feelings surfaced around this time too and people did not limit themselves to the Japanese.
as for rusophobia...what would you call Mcarthyism and the HUAC hearings were all about?
This has happened in the past and to prevent such a thing from happening again constant vigilance is needed.
Also, why does he make the comparison to how christians are treated abroad...Yes it isn't nice, yes it should be stopped, but that should have no bearing on how we treat muslims in America. He keeps trying to paint all of islam with the small minority of crazies in my opinion. The ones I have known have been religous and peaceful people.
A damn dirty hippie without the dirty part....
Last edited by jonjon42; 12-17-2004 at 07:54 PM..