Someone who has self-worth and self-esteem in abundance is a very postive trait, they are only egotistical in the eyes of others. A very small amount may get you through life but does it get you what you want from life?
The ego can not be augmented. It can grow and change but to say it can be augmented is to imply that everyone has one personality, unchanging unless "augmented" by that which enters their lives. You can't draw comparisons between hwo someone was and hwo someone is now, they are not linear in a sense you can define who they are at one point in time. It is a facet that is always growing and evolving through the existance of a person.
I think all people deserve respect and deserve humane rights but, to say we are all equal is not true in the society we have built. I am empethetic to your veiwpoint on egoism. People are subjected to other veiwpoints, others actions and others opinions on a continues basis. You may not have a choice in listening due to the constructions of modern communication but you have the power of choose your own response. I can be insulted but I can choose to respond or I can choose to dismiss it. We all have perceptual power over our realities.