Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
They have existed, but that point is both ridiculous and moot. The current slave trade is sanctioned and allowed by the Sharian rulers. But I suppose since this genocide is new in scope, that over 2 million people have died as a result of this, that it is ok.
I never put one word saying it was okay. But thanks for putting that into my mouth. But what do you say to other genocides in the rest of Africa? Rwanda? When the Niger river flowed red with decapitated bodies, Muslim rulers weren't the thing - hell, in many African nations, Islam isn't even the preferential religion.
Why would I want to leave my home to go to a land where I would get thrown in Jail, with the possiblity of corperal punishment for being Christian?
Hm, and yet you claim to know much of Islam when you believe you simply being there will throw you in jail.
I suppose all our businessmen should get the fuck out right now.. oh wait, they're in jail.
As far as your ridiculous comments about Christians not giving anything to work with, what does that have to do with anything? I don't recall there being a "jihad" called out from Christianity calling for death to the East and all the non-believers. I don't recall there being acts of terrorism perpetuated by Christians, or in the name of christianity almost daily, can't say the samething for Islam.
Crusades anyone?
When Crusaders took Jerusalem, they killed Muslim inhabitants. When the Mongols took Baghdad, the Nestorian Christians and Shi'a Muslims were spared (due in part to many Mongols being Nestorian Christians and collaboratoin from Shi'a) while the Sunni population was massacred over a period of days.