Friendly bullshit is fine; I've been there and done that, and you can tell it's friendly because it's kind of like the best of stand-up comedy: -- which finds the truth in some things by pointing out absurdities that we all gloss over or try to ignore.
What's not so friendly is when you're in a group and one guy, the big dog or someone who thinks he is, takes it a little farther than good clean fun with a new guy or a less connected guy, just because he can. Especially if it's _not_ okay for some guys to say some things, but it's fine for the big dog. I tend to avoid groups like that; besides, they tend to consist mainly of one or two big dogs and a bunch of suckups.
I also don't like it when somebody ribs you for some mistake -- like cutting a fart -- and keeps ribbing you about it the next three or four times even though you haven't done it again. Some people are just clueless, tiresome, jerks.