Originally Posted by ARTelevision
I'd say that at its base it is an organizing force that is anti-entropic - and is evidenced by the increasing compexification of whole systems.
I'm still not understanding what you are trying to say. Anti-entropic is such a vague and from my perspective wrong thing to say. Afterall entropy is just disorder caused by heat. It's the excess energy that will eventually spell the heat death of the universe as more useful forms of energy eventually convert themselves into the vibrations of atoms we call heat.
The organization that is anti-entropy is really just the lack of energy. I wouldn't call ice intelligent in anyway. From what I've read in this thread you seem to attribute physical phenomenom to intelligence. Such as orignation and intelligence. Would you imply that ice is intelligent? Rocks? DNA? Virii? Bacteria? Mold? Hamsters? Dolphins? Help me try to understand what you are saying more clearly. Where are you drawing your line.